First of all thanks for taking the time to check out my website. If you'll bear with me a little longer I would like to tell you about my comic, End of Days. The book is set in Victorian era London during the Ripper murders. We have added a twist, Jack the Ripper was not a man but an ancient evil as old as time itself. This entity wishes to bring the end of days or apocalypse & wipe out all life as we know it. To aid mankind the archangel Gabriel, disguised as a human inspector from Scotland Yard has come to aid mankind. Gabriel is not alone in the fight, he will be aided by Inspector Jonathan McCoy, Elizabeth Swan, the Immortal John the Revelator, & Dr. Victoria Adams, just to name a few. It will be a supernatural thriller with horror elements. Angels, demons, vampires & such set in a Sherlock Holmes style mystery.
End of Days has been floating around in my head since I was in high school. It is a great honor & privilege to bring this story to you! Co-written & edited by my daughter, Darian Simms, this has been a life long dream of mine brought to life by my amazing Kickstarter backers. The love & support this book has received has truly touched my heart & I will be forever grateful. This book will be an ongoing series, all finished chapters are available on the site + signed prints & such. Get your copies today & remember the end is coming but the story is just beginning....